According to the Vermont Housing Needs Assessment , approximately 75,784 Vermont households rent. This page has useful information and helpful resources for both renter households and owners of rental housing. For additional resources visit our Housing Links page. Included on this page:
Co-created by the Vermont Tenants program and the Vermont Landlord Association, the Landlord Tenant Education materials provide valuable information about renting in Vermont. These materials include a comprehensive guidebook, three tri-fold brochures, a video on the legal eviction process, and four classroom modules. Designed for use by both landlords and tenants, these guides provide information about Vermont's laws to ensure that each side of the rental agreement understands their rights and responsibilities and how to address problems. Vermont Tenants is a statewide tenant advocacy program run by the Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO). The Vermont Landlord Association is a trade association that helps landlords throughout Vermont.
This page provides general information about evictions in most residential rental situations. This resource includes answers to commonly asked questions about evictions and breaks down the court processes involved in evictions. These laws apply to the state of Vermont. However, some cities, such as Burlington and Barre, have other laws you should know about. This resource is for educational purposes, so consider talking to an attorney about your situation. More resources for households facing eviction are included in the next section (below).
Enforcement of the State Rental Housing Health Code (pdf) previously enforced by the Local Health Officer has been transferred to the Department of Public Safety Division of Fire Safety. The code covers rented dwellings and mobile home lots that are not in a mobile home park and is a complaint based system. Rental Housing Health and Safety | Division of Fire Safety (
Need information on the Landlord-Tenant or Mobile Home Park laws? The Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO) Statewide Housing Advocacy Programs offer an Guide to Renting in Vermont and the Guide to Your Rights as a Mobile Home Park Resident and operates "hotlines" for tenants and mobile home residents.
Facing a legal problem or eviction? Vermont Legal Aid helps eligible people (low-income, elderly, and disabled) with legal issues in housing such as accessibility, discrimination, evictions, foreclosure, unsafe housing conditions, and subsidized housing issues. Call 1-800-889-2047 or visit Vermont Law Help for information and referral.
Concerned about lead poisoning? There's only one sure way to find out if your child has lead poisoning. Call the Vermont Department of Health at 1-800-439-8550 for information, or review the Department of Health Lead Resource Guide.
If housing is provided to farmworkers as part of an employment agreement, the housing must meet Rental Housing Health Codes. To learn more about what is required for Farm Worker Housing, check out this helpful Fact Sheet - in both English and Spanish (Hoja de Información en Español).
The Vermont Farm Worker Housing Repair Loan Program offer forgivable loans of up to $30,000 to make necessary improvements to farmworker housing. The loans will be 0% interest, and forgiven over 10 years, as long as the improved housing continues to be maintained and used for farmworker housing.
If you're looking for an affordable apartment, try the Vermont Directory of Affordable Rental Housing or USDA's Rural Development Multi-Family Housing Rentals.
Information and application forms for rental assistance and homeownership programs, including mobile home parks, administered by the Vermont State Housing Authority are available on the VSHA website. Contact your local public housing authority if you live in any of the following cities: Barre, Bennington, Brattleboro, Burlington, Montpelier, Rutland, Springfield, and Winooski.
If you are homeless, need shelter, or are in danger of becoming homeless, dial 2-1-1 or visit the Vermont Office of Economic Opportunity.
The Vermont Landlords Association is a statewide trade association for Vermont Landlords. It is based out of Shelburne, Vermont, and advocates for and educates landlords to assist them with providing quality rental housing. The VLA website includes resources for both members and non-members.
Champlain Housing Trust Landlord Loans are available in Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties, excluding the City of Burlington. These loans are available for owner-occupied buildings up to 4 units, single-family rentals, duplexes, and accessory dwelling units. Tenant income and rent limits may apply.
NeighborWorks of Western Vermont offers Rental Repair Loans to landlords of 1-4 unit rental properties in Addison, Bennington, and Rutland Counties.
Technical and financial assistance for landlords in the City of Burlington is available through the Community and Economic Development Office (CEDO) Rehabilitation Program Assisting Investment Rentals (RePAIR) program. This program helps landlords assess project feasibility, develop a rehabilitation scope of work, finance rehabilitation projects, and answer related questions.
Vermont's lead law requires landlords who own properties built before 1978 to conduct several Essential Maintenance Practices (EMPs) to reduce the hazards of lead poisoning. Learn more at If you own a home or apartment building and want to reduce the risk of lead poisoning caused by lead paint, check out VHCB's Healthy & Lead-Safe Homes Program.
Contact the Vermont Department of Taxes at (802) 828-2865 or toll-free at 1-866-828-2865, or visit their webpage:
Landlords need to understand their obligations under building codes administered by the Vermont Department of Public Safety, Fire Safety Division.